Trigger Happy

1. Trigger Happy Firearm Instruction is a company I started last year and I wanted to focus on teaching women how to use firearms to defend themselves. “Trigger Happy” isn’t meant to be taken literally. When I say “pull the trigger”, I’m taking about life. I don’t ever want to miss out on the thrills of life because I played it safe or was too cautious. I want to experience everything so I’m “trigger happy” when it comes to hard decisions. 
2. I was working at a gun range last year, and I realized that there weren’t many gun clubs or manufactures who marketed towards women, especially women of color. I figured if other women of color saw me teaching firearms classes, they would feel more comfortable learning about firearms. 
3. I think I’m unique because (to my knowledge), there aren’t any other firearm instruction companies owned by a black woman. I think I’m also unique because I’m only 25 and I don’t have any formal business experience. The business has kind of just fallen in place and that’s how I know I’m doing the right thing. 
4. This is my first business. I got some of my business experience while working at a local Atlanta gun range. I worked there for a year and had become manager before I left. The position taught me some things about marketing and customer service. I’ve just been figuring everything else out on my own. 

5. The biggest challenge has been facing the backlash of expressing my goals to market to women of color. There are some color-blind people in this country who don’t want to acknowledge the fact that minorities are underrepresented in the gun world. They also refuse to accept the fact that there are negative stereotypes attached to black people and guns. My goal is to break down those stereotypes. 
6. Finances aren’t a major concern for me at this point but I do keep a watchful eye over the budget. I’ve learned to budget really well and pace myself with teaching classes. I would tell other future business owners to pay close attention to their debt/income ratio. In the beginning, it can be overwhelming to try and account for every penny but it’s extremely important. You also have to have realistic budgeting expectations and always plan for the worst case scenario. 
7. I’m currently working on a cross-country tour. I want to empower other women to become firearm instructors. I’m eventually hoping to franchise my classes. I also want to open a gun range in the Atlanta area. The range will be more of a long-term goal. 
8. I’m driven to get out of bed and do this because I am a survivor and I want to empower other women to be survivors too. I was sexually assaulted at 19 and I was in an abusive relationship at 24. I don’t want any other women to go through what I went through. I want to prevent other women from being victims.

9. I’m teaching our first Concealed Carry class on June 10th in the Atlanta area. I’ll be teaching women’s handgun classes in Orlando, Florida on July 1st, Sacramento, California on July 16th and Dallas, Texas on August 5th. 
10. I think it’s extremely important to support black owned businesses, entrepreneurs and artists. It’s important because their income is more likely to be recirculated within black communities, thus empowering those with common economic interests. 

11. I would like to see more black entrepreneurs/artists in the self-defense fields. I would like to see more black-owned ammo manufacturers, holster manufacturers and gun ranges. 
12. I think the National African American Gun Association is an organization that should be recognized. They’re based out of Atlanta, Georgia and have several chapters in different states across the U.S. Their mission is give African American gun owners a safe and comfortable place to gather, fellowship and learn about firearms. 
13. Honestly, I’m still trying to master self-care. I love what I’m doing so it’s hard for me to turn off work mode. I’ve recently been introduced to yoga which helps with the work anxiety. I’m also going to take some time off after the first leg of the tour is over. 
14. This is going to sound pathetic, but I like to speak to my boyfriend about my daily plans before I start working on different tasks. He’s my sounding board and he’s a great person to bounce ideas off of. Other than that, I just jump right in and tackle my day every morning. 
15. I’m grateful for my family. My mom helps me with classes on the weekends, my sister helps me draft business proposals and the rest of my family sends constant support and reassurance. I’m also grateful for my friends and fellow instructors. My best friend, Ciara, was at my first class helping me with the administrative tasks. My friends Chris and Dexter help me out with facilitating the range portion of the classes. I don’t know what I would do without their support. Lastly, I’m grateful for the other survivors who have reached out to me. I get many e-mails and messages from other women who love my goals to teach women how to defend themselves. Those kind words are what keep me going when I’m exhausted or feeling discouraged. 
16. I’m currently reading “Black Man With a Gun” by Kenn Blanchard. I’m also about to start reading “The Santa Shooter” by Marcus Allen Weldon.
17. I’m just anxious to start this tour and connecting with other instructors across the country. I’m also excited about sharing this knowledge and I’m thankful for everyone who supports the movement!

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